Town Hall with First Lady Tammy Murphy

NJ First Lady Tammy Murphy will join NJEA President Sean Spiller and NJEA Secretary Treasurer Petal Robertson for a town hall meeting open exclusively to NJEA members on Monday, October


Burlington County Education Association: LAT Activities

Burlington County Education Association LAT Activities Blurb About Event: Campaign Canvassing Date:  October 26th, 28th  Time: 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Location: BCEA Office Link to Register:

Town Hall with Gov. Phil Murphy

NJEA-endorsed Governor Phil Murphy will join NJEA President Sean Spiller, Vice President Steve Beatty and Secretary-Treasurer Petal Robertson for a town hall meeting open exclusively to NJEA members on Wednesday,

North Plainfield Canvass with North Plainfield EA

Every year, North Plainfield Education Association plans a canvassing event of NJEA members who live in North Plainfield on behalf of our endorsed candidates. Join us this year to help