Burlington County Education Association: Canvassing

Come and join the BCEA Legislative Action Team in support of the BCEA endorsed candidates in LD 7 Senator Troy Singleton, Assemblyman Herb Conaway and Assemblywoman Carol Murphy, County Commissioners and the NJEA-endorsed candidate for Governor, Gov. Phil Murphy. Meet at the BCEA office at 9:15 am Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOT3LgVJB4ksy87Ry0ZKEDmLB188J7qyqvbWug9sS9HLimFg/viewform

Women’s March: Montclair

Join fellow NJEA members at the New Jersey Women's March on Saturday, October 2, 2021, beginning at 10:00 a.m. We will gather at the Montclair Municipal Building. Together We Rise to put an end to violence and fight the attacks on Reproductive Rights, LGBTQIA Rights, Workers' Rights, Civil Rights, Immigrant Rights, Disability Rights, and Environmental

Women’s March: Willingboro

Join fellow NJEA members at the New Jersey Women's March on Saturday, October 2, 2021, beginning at 1 pm. We will gather at the JFK Center in Willingboro. Together We Rise to put an end to violence and fight the attacks on Reproductive Rights, LGBTQIA Rights, Workers' Rights, Civil Rights, Immigrant Rights, Disability Rights, and


Hudson County Education Association: Phone Banks, Canvassing and more!

Join the members of the Hudson County Education Association as they work to re-elect Gov. Phil Murphy during this year's election season. You can join the members of the HCEA for these fun campaign activities while also making a difference for the future of public education. Sign up to attend of the events listed below


Union County Education Association: Phone banks

Join the members of the Union County Education Association as they make phone calls to NJEA members about the importance of this year's gubernatorial election. These dedicated NJEA members will also be making phone calls for NJEA-endorsed candidates in LD 20. These phone banks will be happening on a weekly basis, so click on the

Camden County Council of Education Associations: Kona Ice/Mr. Softee Night/Day of Action

Join your CCCEA family between now and Election Day! We will be reaching to our NJEA members in Camden County to support the re-election of Gov. Phil Murphy! Dinner and fun are always provided. You can also make phone calls from home. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfziEO_rhP9C69XWHj0EdKrMAtC5jkvfKt7Wbb6eem62EfqxA/viewform  


Essex County Education Association: Canvassing

Join the members of the Essex County Education Association as they go door-to-door to canvass, along side fellow union members from the AFL-CIO, to reelect Gov. Phil Murphy! Be sure to bring a cell phone, so you can download the necessary applications for a successful canvass. Date:  Saturday’s 10/2, 10/9. 10/16, 10/23, 10/30 Time:  9am-11am

Monmouth County Education Association: Breakfast Rally & GOTV Canvass for LD 13

Join fellow MCEA members to help get out the vote for pro-public education candidates Vincent Solomeno for Senate, Allison Friedman and Erin Howard for Assembly in LD 13. Early voting begins on Saturday, 10/23 and runs through Sunday, 10/31. We will contactless canvass to help get the word out to NJEA members and support candidates